Welcome To My Rantings!

Thanks for taking a looksie! This is where you can see my latest photoging, and of course read a few of the endless thoughts that flow through my melon:)
For a look at my website please go to www.kellyfergusonphotography.com

Friday, August 27, 2010

A Day of Starr Power :)

I had an event last week that I would liken to seeing your favorite Rock Starr at a venue where you actually see the performer on an intimate level.  I attended the St. Louis Shot Party at Ameristar Casino, and was awestruck at the amazingness of the local photoging Rock Starrs (Clary Pfieffer, Kelly Manno, Kelly Park and Michelle Ross to name a few), as well as the Mack Daddy Rock Starr of the Day - the featured speaker, Jasmine Starr out of LA!!!!

I would compare the impact of her presence to the feelings a Tween would have seeing Justin Bieber from 3rd Row Center (why 3rd, because I've never known anyone who actually got 1st or 2nd), or me in high school seeing Jon Bon Jovi in person (no that never happened, no matter how much I tried to telepathically make it happen).

Simply put, I was a nervous and giddy photoging Mom.  I didn't know whether to cry or scream - imagine those videos of Beatles' fans when they came to the US the first time.  I know . . . it's not pretty.

Thanks God & Mom, for helping me keep my composure :), and helping me keep my emotions together enough to appear to be a professional. {more prayers of thanks!!!}

Anyway, back to the Shot Party day!  It was a day of learning from the Rock Starrs, and we even got to shoot models around the Casino.  I was not at all excited about this part of the day, and it ended up being one of my favorite parts of the event.  I had no idea a Casino would be such a fun and awesome background.  I was wrong.

Michelle Ross was our group leader, and she was positively awesome about sharing, encouraging, and answering all questions from our group members.  And, despite there being 30+ uber eager photogers bumping into each other to get a shot, I got some images I was really happy with, and walked away with some great new knowledge!

We were so lucky to get a real-life engaged couple,
and their emotions were so awesome to capture!!!

I could not get over those amazing eyes :)

I got this shot of my dear friend and Wedding Photoging Partner,
Lisa Scherer (she's one of the kindest peeps you will ever meet
and we work like a dream together),
when our Models went to do a quick wardrobe change.

The Mack Daddy Photoging Rock Starr of The Day - 
JASMINE STARR!  WAIT A SECOND, I hear Angels Singing!!!! LOL

Jasmine & her Wedding Photoging Partner JD,
who happens to be her partner in life and her hubby!!!
The two of them shooting a wedding together would be
like Plant & Page, making their magical music.  Sorry for those of you
youngsters who have no freakin' clue about who I'm talking about!

More singing Angels!  Yes, I got to meet her, and JD actually used my
camera to get this shot!!!!  Yes, I had to keep the emotions in check a big, bad way :)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

The One Year Anniversary

Today marks the anniversary of the saddest event I have dealt with to date.  I lost my Mom one year ago today.  I have cried every single day this past year.  My heart aches as much today over her loss, as it did a year ago.  Granted, it's not as constant and intense, but it is always there near the surface.

I had no idea that the slightest thought/place/word/memory would trigger a flash flood coming from my eyes.  It doesn't matter where I am.  Songs are the biggest trigger, and my brothers and I chose some fantastic songs for her funeral (Over the Rainbow, Forever Young, I Hope You Dance, Dancin' Queen, The Good Stuff, Time to Say Goodbye, I Have a Dream).  Every single time I hear one, I lose it.

This is the last pic I took of her.  It is crappy quality,  horrible lighting, was taken with a point and shoot, and when I look at it, I see that her spirit had already begun to move on to the next life.  Her color lacked her trademark vibrance, and the fun that she always projected in life, was gone.

How I yearn for just one more minute with her.  Even though I told her hundreds of times how much I loved her and got to say my good-byes, I would say it again with 1000 times more heartfelt love.  I would remember every detail of her response, and I would cherish it as one of my most prized life experiences . . . because now I know what it's like to live without her.

My Wonderful Mom with My Boo on August 2nd, 2010

Oh wait, here come the tears again.  This is the 11th freakin' time I have cried today (I keep adding to that number as I write), and it's only 11:00 in the morning!!!  I have so many tear stains on my glasses, that I can hardly see out of them!!!! LOL w/ tears streaming down my face.

Maybe I should go lock myself in a closet for the day?  Thank God you all can't see my blubbering right now - it is not pretty :)  My kids keep looking at me like I have lost it - I guess you could say that is partially true.  I lost my Best Friend, and more importantly I lost my Mom.

One more thing, TAKE LOTS OF PICTURES.  They are your visual link to everything that was, and they are priceless.  I couldn't make myself take pics while she was with us for her last month of life.  I was too sad and overwhelmed by what was coming.  I regret it with everything that I am.

Uh-Oh . . . sobbing really hard this time, gotta go :)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Caitlin & Devin - A Sample of Their Remarkable Day

I second shot again for my Gal-Pal Lisa Scherer on this stunning August wedding, and we both agreed that we captured some of our greatest images to date.  Caitlin & Devin, the locations, and the attendees made this a positively awesome event to document, and once again my love for capturing weddings was one of the final thoughts I had before I fell asleep that hot summer night.

I loved every minute with them, and their families.

What a day :):):)

The details Caitlin chose for the day, made her a
simply elegant and gorgeous bride.

LOVE that emotion in the attendants - I have a huge smile on my face looking at this!!!

This wasn't even posed.  I just happened to turn around, and look
at this moment my lens just happened to find. . . sigh . . .

I could not get enough of those smiles,
and looks of pure love.

On to the reception location:
Malmaison at St. Alban's

Seriously? . . .

I mean does it get any better? . . .

OK  . . . yes, it certainly does and it did!!!!

Her eyes were absolutely mesmerizing, and both Lisa and I
were insistent on getting a close-up of them to truly capture how
stunning they are.

Delightful Details!!!!

Lisa-Girl working on getting her ring shot :)

LOOOOOVE watching those little cutie-pies.

Once again Lis, it was an absolute delight
and pure enjoyment working with you :)

Caitlin & Devin,

You are a sweet and wonderful couple!
My best to you - may you have a very happy & wonderful life together!!!!


Monday, August 9, 2010

Bells Turns the Big 1!!!!!

Who can resist the adorable age of 1?  It is one of my favorite Birthday parties to witness and to be a part of!   It is also one of my favorite events to document in pictures.  I love the thought of these priceless moments, frozen in time, that will bring her parents to tears when they look at these 10 years from now!!!!

Happy Birthday my dear little niece!!!!  You have been this blog's most frequently blogged about, and I have enjoyed capturing every stage of this past year ;)

Bella's 1st Birthday also has another special meaning to my family.  Her Birthday was the day we brought my Mom home with us a year ago.  She came home with us so that we could take care of her during her last month of life :)   Imagine that, I'm crying again . . . lol . . . through my giggling at the thought of what an emotional nut-job I am at 40!!!

Here's Bells being her stunning, cutie-pie self . . .

This is one of those irresistible moments that one year olds are famously
loved for.  See the progression in these 3 shots
- they make me smile hugely!!!

Love these happy little details!!!

I wonder if one of these 1st Birthday hats has ever remained
in it's intended spot for the entire party?

Is this look so crazy stinkin' cute?
This is the look she was giving her audience as we were singing
"Happy Birthday to You" - - -


"Oh my, what's this deliciousness sitting right before me?"
(My kiddos love it when I narrate baby thoughts :):):) )

"Jeez, this is awesomely squishy . . ."
Sorry, again with the narration.  I can't seem
to help myself, the thoughts just keep
popping into the melon!!!!!!

Bells and her Units!!!!

How adorable is that baby chubbiness?
I'm so sad at the thought of these little wrinkles
and pudgeys disappearing with the
active toddler she is about to become :(