Welcome To My Rantings!

Thanks for taking a looksie! This is where you can see my latest photoging, and of course read a few of the endless thoughts that flow through my melon:)
For a look at my website please go to www.kellyfergusonphotography.com

Friday, January 28, 2011

Reminders of a Great 2010!!!!!

So my final activity of saying "goodbye" to the prior year's holiday season is always taking down the Christmas/Holiday cards from my friends and family.  I always put it off until the end of January, because I soooooo bask in the joy of having a wall full of familiar faces, coupled with kind and sweet thoughts, decorating the space surrounding our television.

This year was no exception.  However this year, I added another category of great peeps to that holiday card "art display", and it was my customers who were kind enough to share a holiday card with me.

Glimpses of these on a daily basis reminded of what an incredible first year of business I had, and how truly blessed I am to earn an income doing what I absolutely love with every fiber of my being.

Thank YOU from the bottom of my heart to all of my Customers :):):)

Thank you all for spreading the word about my dream of doing this for a living.

Thank you all for being sooooo encouraging and supportive.

And, thanks for making my 2010 business year a success beyond what I could ever have imagined :)



Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My BFF & Her Fam :)

I'm not sure how I managed to get my BFF's family session blog out of order (I think it was the enormous amount of Fall business I had - THANK YOU TO MY FABULOUS CUSTOMERS!!!).  However, it is evident by the looks of quite a few of these (there is still wonderful Fall color in some of the backgrounds), and I must apologize to my BFF for neglecting her!!!

Anyhow, here is her family's gorgeousness.  It turned into one of my favorite shoots of the year, because getting 3 little kids with energy levels that exceed a local power plant - to be still - is absolutely hilarious.  And, the shoot had this adorably sweet ending, with my BFF being the awesome Mom that she is to her so-cute-I-could-eat-her-up daughter, Kates . . .

Dear BFF (& Fam)!

I love you guys.  I'm a better person for having you all in
my life, and I am blessed more than words
could ever describe, by having you there all of these years :)
Thanks for being your awesome self, and thanks for being
an amazing friend through thick & thin.

The Biggest of Hugs,

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Meet The Collop Family!!!!

I was really excited and nervous for this inside December shoot.  You see, I'm pretty much an outdoor photog.  I haven't had enough experience with indoor shooting to feel like I have an indoor comfort zone, so I was very nervous.  Luckily I have a very good photoging friend (yes it's Lisa), who gave me the idea to shoot in St. Charles at The Foundry, and I ended up loving the backgrounds and the lighting it granted us!!!

The Collops came to me via the "Grandkids" Shoot (thanks for passing my info. along Kathy :).  Not only are they a beautiful family, but they were wondrous to shoot as well.  Isabel has done some modeling, and knew exactly how to contrive magic in front of my lens, and for a 3 year old, Michael was a little charmer.  Oh, and their parents were as nice as I could have asked for, and welcomed whatever I suggested - I LOVE people who are this great to work with :)

I also loved the fact one of the kiddos looked exactly like Mom, and the other kiddo looked exactly like Dad.  Observe for yourselves . . .

Dear Collops,

I can only say the most positive of things about you :)
What a sweet and beautiful family you are, and how I will look
forward to the day I get the pleasure of shooting you all again!
Best of everything for each of you, and I hope 2011 brings you the
changes you are seeking, Emily ;)


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Three Girls & A Boy :)

I met this awesomely sweet family through the equally awesomely sweet Smith's, who were thoughtful enough to pass my name along :):):)

When I spoke with Lisa, she gave me the option to chose a new venue, and I was blissfully happy with what we got on this late and very brisk Fall day.  Which, by the way everyone is dressed, looked like an early Fall day.  Not the case, but I had some very good actors, and I think they did an outstanding job of faking warmth as we made our way around Wash U!!!

See for yourselves . . .

Lisa, Matt & Girls,

What a delight you all were!  Matt, thanks for missing the last part of your
football game.  I know it was not an easy thing for you to give up, and I
appreciated having you there for this shoot :)  Lisa, you are a delight to chat with, and to
shoot.  Plus, you look just like Sarah Brightman, so that makes you even more fabulous
than you already are!!!  Girls, you are awesome just being your girlie-girl selves.
I can't wait for the next time I get to see you all :)

Big Hugs,