Welcome To My Rantings!

Thanks for taking a looksie! This is where you can see my latest photoging, and of course read a few of the endless thoughts that flow through my melon:)
For a look at my website please go to www.kellyfergusonphotography.com

Sunday, February 28, 2010

More Gorgeousness . . .

Again, I'm so blessed I get to shoot my stunningly gorgeous and awesomely beautiful friends. Love these Maihles' and their cutie-pie girlie girls. They are all girl, and have the sassiness that comes with being girlie.

I also must note that we shot these on a very deceptively sunny day. In other words, we froze our booties off and only lasted a whopping 30 minutes. We will be scheduling the second half of our shoot in the very near future, so keep an eye out for it:)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

My Latest Photoshop Effort!

Yes, it is a struggle/challenge/endless source of frustration for me, but I'm super proud of myself for sticking to my New Year's resolution of becoming a bit more proficient in the area of Photoshop design. Alas, effort #2!!!

Now that I've mastered a few key CS tricks, let's hope that creation time improves as well!!! LOL

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

More Valentine's Day Fun

In addition to working on the Kisses Card, I got to have a little fun with my "Model For The Day" (more like "Model For The Hour"). I had seen a similar pic on a photoging website, and of course, had to make my own Ferguson version.

My "Model" was more than happy to let me have some Valentine's Day fun with her hair.

Check it out . . .

I'm chuckling as I review this post. My middle child, aka Model For The Day, aka Abbey, aka La-La, aka Boo, is always bursting with this mischievous and sweet personality. She makes me smile, even when I'm on the verge of resorting to a beating behind the wood shed, in response to one of her many naughty antics:)

Better Late Than Never:)

Yep, I'm running behind as usual, but isn't it all about the effort and the completion?

I have been playing with my Photoshop skills, and yes, it has been a gianormous struggle. I'm not one of those naturally gifted/talented CS wizards (Kristine and Brian). Alas, after not working on any design pieces because of fear of frustration, I MADE myself work on something that I could use for Valentine's Day.

OK, so I won't be able to use it until next year, but it will be used, even if I have to send it to myself!!!!! Anyhow, I managed to actually create something sort of cute (my Girls actually want to use it!!!!!!!!), and so here it is . . .

TAH-DAH (not sure about that spelling)...

Oh...imagine that, I didn't have it saved in the right format...shocking:) LOL

Once again . . . TAAAAH-DAAAAAAAH!!!!!!

Who would have thought 3 little kisses could make such a statement. BTW my family thought I was in a state of complete photoging desperation when I was setting this shot up!! HAAAAA, now who's the cool one . . . the Mom of course. HE!HE!HE!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Outside Shooting In The Winter?

Yes. . . we decided to brave the weather to get a few head shots of Jacob, and you would never know it was more than a tad bit on the chilly side when taking a look at these! What at little trooper, and an absolute delight to shoot. I never got one complaint from him, and by the end of our shoot my fingers were numb. Gotta LOVE a kiddo that takes this bone chilling weather without so much as a whimper!!!!